“Twilight Mist”, launched on the magical leap day (Feb 29, 2024), is Heather Hill’s fourth studio album and the first time Hill has written, performed and produced the entire album combining her insights in leadership, healing, and music. The artist has birthed these songs from loss and this rich creation has emerged in grace. Her intention is that these songs find their listeners and they will be transformed as the sounds was over them bringing a sonic hug in these troubled times. This 13-song journey features folk-pop with a new age, adult contemporary vibe. The grounded world rhythm, coupled with classical orchestral swells, earthy woodwinds, soulful piano pop, and warm mezzo vocals has a movie soundtrack quality. If there were an overall theme of these songs it would hope and inspiration that comes from awakening, rebirth, and renewal.“Love” was selected as the best song in the “Love Wins Film Festival” in 2023. An added bonus is the 13th track is an instrumental written and performed by her late mother Grace Pirie.
Tracks 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 cowritten by Heather Hill and Sarah Prodan (lyrics)
Track 7 cowritten by Heather Hill and Tony Roost (lyrics)
Track 11 cowritten by Heather Hill and Henry Lees (lyrics)
Produced by Heather Hill
Piano and Vocals performed by Heather Hill
Piano and Vocal recording, editing, mixing by Adam Fair, Villa Sound
Cello performed by Kevin Fox (tracks 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10)
Percussion on all tracks performed by Robert Sibony
Orchestration and mixing on all tracks by Robert Sibony
Piano performed on Track 5 by Karl Machat
Piano performed and written by Grace Pirie on Track 13
Grace Pirie's Piano recorded by Allan Lee on Track 13
Keyboard Transcription by Artum Miskciyan on Track 13
Mastered by Noah Mintz – Laquer Channel
“Twilight and it's very ethereal, magical ...a soul journey through a landscape that beckons... This is a work of soul art.” Aynsley Saxe, artist/healer/songwriter
“This album puts Heather’s beautiful heart, soul, artistry, spirituality, and love for all on full, brilliant display. It’s cinematic, as personal as it is powerful and universal and contains gorgeous, stirring melodies and some of the best vocals I’ve heard her sing.” Henry Lees, artist/songwriter
“This beautiful music you have made. I hope you are well and enjoy the wonderful journey of releasing this beautiful body of work!” Angela Saini, artist/songwriter
“What an album. So many wonderful songs. Again, your voice … A+. It’s singer-songwriter, but the category doesn’t do it justice as it’s also Atmospheric. It’s like the songs are little movies.” Cody Fenwick, artist/duelling piano musician.
“This album is such a gem and what a gift to the world. It has moments of such poignancy, fragility, and innocent joy. And then, it has these moments of confident strength and sweeping epic majesty.” Alec Steinwall, artist

Sacred Cycle
Do you ever feel like you are experiencing ground hog day? You are playing out the same story, pattern, behaviour over and over? When you finally become aware that you are retracing your steps, patterns, and stories, you can find your way through and out. Cycles and circles are powerful teachers. Once we notice, we take our power back. (nourishes the soul star chakra)
This song looks at clearing stories and blocks from one's past and one's family lineage. It describes a connection to guides and ancestors and a clearing cycle to shift emotions, integrate/align the ego, clear blocks, and receive insight through intuition. It is a prayer to receive infinity. (healing for the root chakra)
Twilight Mist
The twilight mist ushers us onto the bridge of our spiritual or etheric part that is not confined to this earth. This part of us is without a care, limitation, or fear. In the mist, we are something bigger than this plane of existence and its conditions. Here the creatures of the night wake us to an expansive place to create and play. (healing for the sacral and naval chakras)
Wings is a powerful lullaby for those of us experiencing fear, anxiety, and terror. It acknowledges that there are many cares and responsibilities we carry and it is sometimes too much. Wings calls in the Archangels to bring peace, calm and restore balance. (healing for the solar plexus chakra)
This meditation is for grounding into the earth, transmuting anything that isn't serving, and opening the heart to receive beautiful golden light. (healing for the heart chakra)
This song is about the inner sanctuary or one's inner leader. Despite the feeling of being hunted or chased by one's thoughts or disintegrated ego, sanctuary is about coming into balance, feeling safe within to be able to free the voice. (healing for the vocal and alta major chakras)
Other Side
Before my mother passed away, my father told her he would see her on the other side. I had heard this question before from my co-writer Tony Roost who wondered the same when his mother passed. We face the unknown together. (healing for the third eye chakra)
Fireflies is a short meditation to calm the central nervous system and journey to a powerful circle, in a forest, with everything that connects us to our great light. (healing for the crown chakra)
This song is from a mother to her child. It is her promise and transference of all that is beautiful and light through her blood, rhythm, breathe and heartsong. (healing for the causal chakra)
Falling Stars
Falling Stars is a Celtic song wondering whether or not humanity could receive help from the Stars and the light that comes to us to help. Could we trust a benevolent force or would we remain in distrust. (healing for the soul star chakra)
Sometimes we miss the big things in the lives of our loved ones because we focused on our own struggle. Loss and change are inevitable, but courage is a choice to face what is hard and right in front of you. (healing for the stellar gateway)
This is the artist's lovesong to anchoring light in the universe. It is the noticing that it takes time for light to spread through the darkness. The love of stars, light and divine timing are on full display. (Antakarana bridge)
Grace Pirie wrote and recorded this song late in life. It was her lovesong and her heart. She played this song as it was her soundtrack to her life. She even played it weeks before she passed away. (unifies all chakras in love)
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